MUSIC - Overview

I first started hitting things when I was very young. My drumkit was made up of ice cream containers and my sticks were coloured pencils. As I grew older I began to be educated into the world of 70’s rock and punk and these were definitely my inspirations and eventually, as a teenager I got my first 'proper' kit and I started out into my creative career.
As a musician, I now tour the U.K and Europe regularly with the renowned band 3 Daft Monkeys, using my unusual and unique hand percussion kit.
In 2021 I started writing and recording tracks for my solo project, 90%Werewolf. It is my safe place where I can express myself completely. During lockdown I found this creative outlet very therepautic.
Also in 2021, I started collaborating with Dan Cole from The Hitchcock Rules in a new project called, The Dead Collective. This is a space for us to let off steam and have some fun musically whilst giving me the opportunity to off load some of the stress in my head. Seeing these thoughts spill out of my head onto a page and then finding a way to sing them has been an awesome and extremely challenging experience.